Living Fully Louisville

About Living Fully

The Living Fully initiative's goal is to change how our culture discusses and prepares for death. This project was inspired by Justin Magnuson’s hospice volunteering and his observation that people avoid this topic.

The transformation of how our culture discusses and plans for sickness, ageing, dying and death can improve patient care, the emotional and financial quality of families, our healthcare system, and our environment.

The Living Fully initiative seeks to accomplish this by hosting and facilitating conversations. View our resource guide to find professionals and specialists near you in Louisville.

Advance Directive

Completing an advance directive is one of the most important things you can do. Why? An advance directive clearly expresses your preferences for medical treatments in many scenarios. 

It involves clarifying your values and goals, discussing your medical wishes with loved ones and healthcare providers, and making sure that your preferences are known

Start your own advance directive online powered by My Living Voice. Express your wishes and share them with your loved ones. If the time comes, YOU will be in charge.

Contact Justin at: